Category Archives: Riding Mountain Park

Whitewater PoW Work Camp, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba

It seems a bit odd to combine “archaeology” with the 20th century, but when you see how quickly physical evidence of history can disappear, I understand the need for studying and recording that evidence before it’s gone forever.

As far as I know, the PoW site with the most extensive archaeological work by far is the former Whitewater work camp in Riding Mountain National Park.

Today I came across three online resources that will interest anyone who wants to know more about Whitewater, also called the Riding Mountain camp.

The first is a blog post from Michael O’Hagan in 2013, when he was finishing his Master’s degree and about to start a PhD at the University of Western Ontario. I believe that’s what Michael is doing now (Michael, please feel free to let us know in the comments – it would be great to hear from you). This post is very readable and gives a good introduction to the PoW story in general, as well as some specifics about Whitewater and some nice pictures.

Link: Prisoners in the Park: German PoWs in Riding Mountain National Park

The Friends of Riding Mountain National Park have a website and it shows, among other things, that in 2018 they were offering guided tours of the former PoW site.

Link: Friends of Riding Mountain

Finally I want to mention that Dr. Adrian Myers, PhD, did a comprehensive survey of the Whitewater camp and wrote about it in-depth for his 2013 doctoral thesis at Stanford University. Adrian’s thesis can be found online at “The Archaeology of Reform at a German Prisoner of War Camp in a Canadian National Park during the Second World War (1939–1945)“.

If you search Dr. Myers’ name, you’ll find more from him, including this video about the PoW camp work, from National Geographic.

Having had a look at that video, I recognize the dugout canoe and I’m now going back to edit my earlier post about the dugout canoe in Bob Henderson’s collection. Bob will have to tell me for sure, but it looks like one of the Whitewater creations.

If you find this blog interesting, please leave us a comment.

And, remember, Bob Henderson is still actively collecting! If you want to get in touch with him please do. You can email him at homefront @ Do not leave any spaces in the address – I just did that to stop robots from spamming Mr. Henderson


Problems with PoW Clothing in 1945

Bob Henderson sent me a copy of a letter from 1945 showing some of the problems the Government of Canada had when the prisoner of war clothing supply kept shrinking. Not the garments themselves. The whole pile!

I typed out the letter below the picture.

Typewritten letter, plain paper

Letter describing some problems when prisoner clothing disappeared

Here’s what the letter says.

Department of Labour, 238 Sparks Street, Ottawa
16th February, 1945


Clothing – P.O.W

Dear Sirs;–

In spite of our very interesting and instructive conversations at recent meetings, it appears that the employers are making no effort whatsoever in connection with curtailing the loss of clothing issued by this Department to the prisoners-of-war. The matter has now been brought to a head, in that we are finding it increasingly difficult to get replacements, owing to the necessity of increased clothing requirements of our own troops.

Therefore, it will be up to your foreman and our inspectors to see that the maximum amount of wear is obtained out of such garment. Both Major Keane, to whom the condemned clothing is returned, and Colonel Wilkes, who has just returned from a recent inspection trip, advise that a large amount of the condemned clothing is due to sabotage on the part of the prisoners-of-war and the lack of ordinary care, which may be due to the lack of darning wool, etc., in the canteens, or on issue at the various camps, which should be immediately rectified.

Socks, as you are probably aware, are very difficult to replace on account of the wool shortage and I think that the question of the care of the clothing should be forcefully brought to the attention by you to your foreman, or whoever is in charge of the various camps, who, in turn, should bring it to the attention of the prisoners-of-war.

No matter how willing we are, we cannot replace the clothing at the rate that we have been doing and there is no doubt that a great percentage of this could be repaired and kept in good condition by the prisoners-of-war.

When the time arrives for the withdrawal of winter clothing, would you instruct your foreman to collect all winter items from the prisoners-of-war so that it can be ready for inspection by our inspectors who will make arrangements for the returning of same to Riding Mountain Camp to be repaired and issued in the fall. This time, I presume, will be around the end of May. No summer clothing should be issued to prisoners-of-war unless they turn in their winter clothing.

I would like to emphasize again that the matter of clothing is probably the most important item in the war effort at the moment and that the shortages in certain materials are very great and no matter how small the saving that we make, it is of definite assistance to the objective that we are all trying to attain. It would be appreciated if you would impress this upon the members of your staff that come in direct contact with the clothing of the prisoners-of-war.

Use is not being made of the provision in the amended paragraph on “undue damage etc.” in the booklet of instructions P.O.W. Page 3.

Yours very truly,

(R. H. DAVIDSON) Lt. -Col.,

Dir. of Labour Projects (P. of W.)





PoW photo album from Riding Mountain Provincial Park, Manitoba

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Mr. Henderson’s notes: This photo album was acquired from a man who had worked with the PoW in Manitoba.  Regretfully, the historic photographs enclosed in the album were removed and presumably destroyed. The patience used to collect, cut, organize and produce … Continue reading