Tag Archives: clothing

Prisoner’s work boots

Here’s a pair of boots from a German prisoner of war named Hans KRAKHOFER, number 20802. As the label says, he wore these for work at Bush Camp 52 near Kenora, Ontario.

These come from the Henderson Collection.

The Lake of the Woods Museum in Kenora had a few PoW items when I visited a few years ago. I just checked their website today (September 1, 2018) and found this:
“Did You Know?
There were 6 prisoner-of-war camps on Lake of the Woods during World War II. The lumber camps housed German prisoners who were set to work out in the bush cutting timber. The Museum has several boat models built by the prisoners at those camps.”

For information about the museum, here’s a link to their website:

side view of one man's brown work boot, looking polished and not too used

Work boot worn by prisoner number 20802 Hans KRAKHOFER to work in Bush Camp 52 near Kenora, Ontario

pair of men's brown work boots

Work boots worn by prisoner number 20802 Hans KRAKHOFER to work in Bush Camp 52 near Kenora, Ontario



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The Henderson Collection of pictures, papers, and objects pertaining to the German prisoners of war in Canada and the Veterans Guard of Canada now belongs to the Royal Alberta Museum.

And, remember, Bob Henderson is still actively collecting! If you want to get in touch with him please do. You can email him at homefront @ sasktel.net. Do not leave any spaces in the address – I just did that to stop robots from spamming Mr. Henderson.



The PoW Shirt

This gallery contains 1 photos.

Hello! This is a short post based on the Henderson Collection of artifacts and documents about German Prisoners of War in Canada during the Second World War, and the Veterans Guard of Canada who looked after them. Bob Henderson is … Continue reading