Tag Archives: ellmaurer

Otto Ellmaurer Cartoons – Video 13, Henderson Collection 11 – New slideshow


This is one of our slideshows of items from the Henderson Collection of artifacts and documents about German Prisoners of War in Canada during the Second World War, and the Veterans Guard of Canada who looked after them.

In this one, you’ll see some of the entertaining and light-hearted cartoons by Otto Ellmaurer from the Kananaskis Camp.

Bob Henderson is still actively collecting! If you want to get in touch with him please do. You can email him at homefront @ sasktel.net. Do not leave any spaces in the address – I just did that to stop robots from spamming Mr. Henderson.

Remember, you can pause, slow down, or speed up this recording, or mute it using the built-in controls. Just mouse around, you can’t hurt the video.

This video and more videos of the collection are also available on YouTube. You can subscribe to the channel if you like, just use the Subscribe button on the YouTube channel page here: German Prisoners of War in Canada YouTube Channel.

By subscribing to the channel and liking the videos (clicking on the “thumbs up” on the YouTube page where you see the video), you support this work.

I hope you like this short video from the Henderson Collection.

If you have information or items related to the German Prisoners of War in Canada or the Veterans Guard of Canada, please do get in touch with Bob.